Emotional Intelligence Podcasts

Last week, the whole school took part in activities for Emotional Intelligence Week. Year 5 learnt all about emotional intelligence in their Computing lessons. The students managed to record excellent podcasts and even got to interview members of staff to gain further insight and build on their current understanding. They then created podcasts logos and covers too!

Antonia and Hugo on how art helps your emotions – https://youtu.be/XUwW4o6ly30
Florence and Alex interviewing Mr Sayers on sport – https://youtu.be/NV7lFK9JiX0
Antony and Matej how sport helps emotional intelligence – https://youtu.be/lfMianM_ywI
Zach and James how music can help your emotions – https://youtu.be/tjC1WzUny6s
Jack and Charlie how animals can help emotions – https://youtu.be/yQu5T8PLCCU
Celia and Wendy how animals can help emotions – https://youtu.be/OAgDYpr_H50
Adam and Daisy keeping clean during Covid – https://youtu.be/sqTiuQSMKPo

1st December 2020

Emotional Development
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